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Radiology groups slam UnitedHealthcare decision they say was inspired by ‘science-harvesting mercenaries’

By Admin | March 30, 2024

Radiology groups are slamming a recent coverage decision from industry giant UnitedHealthcare, saying it’s based on flawed information from “science-harvesting mercenaries.”

Four imaging societies shared their criticism in a recent letter to leaders at the commercial insurer. They’re concerned about coverage for basivertebral nerve ablation, a minimally invasive interventional procedure meant to help address lower back pain. Effective Jan. 1, UHC has labeled the treatment as “unproven and not medically necessary due to insufficient evidence of efficacy.”

“Well-designed, randomized controlled trials with large sample sizes and long-term follow-up are needed to establish the impact on health outcomes,” UnitedHealthcare said in its...(More)

For more info please read, Radiology groups slam UnitedHealthcare, by Radiology Business

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