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UT Health says May cyberattack saw patient names, addresses and phone numbers stolen

By Admin | September 01, 2020

SAN ANTONIO - Officials at UT Health San Antonio have revealed the institution was invovled in a ransomware attack back in May.

According to a letter sent to supporters, a third-party database provider Blackbaud Inc., discovered the breach and stopped the attack.

UT Health San Antonio says information like names, addresses and phone numbers were taken. No credit card info or social security numbers were accessed.


A spokesman for the university says it's possible other higher education institutions and hospital systems in San Antonio were involved in the cyber attack against Blackbaud Inc.


"UT Health San Antonio has not experienced any security data breaches. We were made aware that a third-party vendor, Blackbaud Inc., which provides relationship management software, was able to...(More information & video)

For more information & video please visit, UT Health says May cyberattack saw patient names, addresses and phone numbers stolen, by NEWS4SA

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